Deciding which university to go to and what to study for your degree are huge life decisions.
How to get into university: our UCAS support

Deciding which university to go to and what to study for your degree are huge life decisions.
UFP is offering academic scholarships worth up to £3000 for its next Law, Humanities & Social Sciences course, starting in January 2022.
Do you aspire to great things in engineering or computing? Could you be the next Steve Jobs, Elon Musk or Ada Lovelace? Students keen to join UFP’s Engineering & Computing pathway have the chance for up to £3000 off foundation course fees thanks to an academic scholarship.
There are always exams going on somewhere in the world.
Do you want to study a degree at a world-class UK destination? We offer the best pre-university preparation for international students.
The University Foundation Programme (UFP) is a department of David Game College. Established in 1974, David Game College has become one of the leading Independent Sixth Form Colleges in London for 13-22 year olds.
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