Deciding which university to go to and what to study for your degree are huge life decisions.
How to get into university: our UCAS support

Deciding which university to go to and what to study for your degree are huge life decisions.
UFP is offering academic scholarships worth up to £3000 for its next Law, Humanities & Social Sciences course, starting in January 2022.
Settling in a new country or environment as a student is exciting.
David Game College (DGC) has signed a partnership agreement with an award-winning language school that will see UFP courses extended to the north of England.
There are always exams going on somewhere in the world.
The University Foundation Programme (UFP) is a department of David Game College. Established in 1974, David Game College has become one of the leading Independent Sixth Form Colleges in London for 13-22 year olds.
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